Community C&M

Community C&M


Share unique moments with the people important to you

At Click&Moments, we believe in the beauty of special moments and in the importance of sharing them with those we love the most. What better way to do it than by geopositioning those moments on our interactive map?

Share with your network of friends and family

The most valuable moments are part of your life and yours. Now with one click, share your geolocation through Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, send them by WhatsApp or even send them by mail.

Record your memories on the map:

Every click in Click&Moment it is a memory that remains engraved on the map, a testimony of your adventures and unforgettable moments. Go back to those places, relive them or explore the moments geotagged by other members of the community. The map is our shared canvas!

Click, geoposition and share your moments with!

Join the Click&Moment Comunnity and be part of this global network of lowers of special moments Together, we can create a map filled with unique experiences that will inspire others to live life to the fullest.